
18 August 2010
Hmmm i wonder how many members visit our blog?

anyways...PM*R trail is about overrrr...[yay] PM*R exam is about soon. And don't forget PM*O exams as well :P

We have no idea what songs we wanna 出, but since 陈捷老师 wants us to enter the solo competition, I say u practise solo pieces? ;)

For the form Ones this is the scope usually used every year... :

1) 观摩会          :  For 观摩会, its basically u stand in front of the whole 团,  and play :) 

2)乐理        : Theory. Consisting of the general paper and 乐器 paper. Last term they had Sejarah Paper. Dunno this year stil gt nt. Hope not ba ;D

3) Practical : This is One-on-Two either in the 小房,鼓房,or 华乐室. Its one (you), and 考官 (组长 & 首席). Here, consisting of two songs, one 规定曲 & 自选曲. Then you have aural, sight reading and etc etc...

4) Marching  :  This one is done by 团长们, in this Bobo and Yi Yan :P

Just giving a head start... Thats all for now :)

First Post after Concert =P

13 August 2010

Concert past 2 weeks d. No one post. Anyways Monday is PMR Trials. Wish every f3 good luck! :)
Congrats to de new Chuiguan zuzhangs as wellll including me x) lets bring winds to greater heights ;)

Nex up is tmr's xiao xing he zou bi sai. Good luck too :) if we can make our concert a sucess u guys can make it too even if u dun come home wiv victory. ALL THE BEST!

windys rueying signing off :)

- Windys!!~ : ) -

- Windys!!~ : ) -