Bye Seniors

01 September 2011
Once again, its the time in the year where the Form 5's leave us and head off to continue their still young lives, leaving us here to rise up and take their place. Well, i think all of us have the same wishes to our Form 5 seniors, that is, that they succeed in their next stage of life.

To the Form 5's, all the best in your SPM, and hope you all succeed in your next stage of life. Remember to come back and visit us once in a while. We'll always welcome you. Hope you enjoyed our gifts as well. :)

Hope the remaining PMO members can all work together and bring chui guan to greater heights. Remember that all that we do is not for ourselves, but for chui guan zhu, for PMO.

Hope we all can work together for the best of chui guan zhu and PMO.

Yours sincerely,
Suo Na Zhu Zhang.

- Windys!!~ : ) -

- Windys!!~ : ) -