2010 to 2011!

19 January 2011
Sorry i didn't post anything for the new year! But anyways school had start two weeks ago and im using this time as i am sick, to write about the start of this new year and the end of 2010 :)

In 2010, the biggest and greatest thing that happened to PMO and Chui Guan, was that we had successfully performed the seventh concert of our orchestra - 风雅颂。赋比兴。系列七之《拉萨行》. And up next on the list, which made me extremely happy, was that Chui Guan had such enthuastic new batch of little people, who have now grown into second formers. All juniors have also shown much loyalty to the orchestra, by keeping strong and persistent, when seniors were preparing for the concert, thus leaving the juniors a little behind. We hope the juniors don't mind as we were, honestly, busy, to make this concert a success. And i am proud to say, that Chui Guan has successfully made those, both the up-bringing of the juniors, and the orchestra's concert, a reality.

Exams have shown mre persistency and hardwork, not to forget, the determination of the youngs to perform at their very best. Many of you have done well, and you shall get what you deserve :D

As for 2011. The zuzhangs have recently held a meeting, a meeting to discuss the new start of teaching of Chui Guan. Especially for the form twos.
Here are some actually not so new rules (but lost rules) for the new year. FORM TWOS TAKE NOTE.

1) 教程进行中,seniors 不可自己闹玩,也不许跟新生闹玩,教程中只能有教书这个东西。(闹玩不代表不能开玩笑,闹玩代表你们男生时常像小狗一样在地上滚来滚去那种闹玩...)

2) Juniors 只被允许最多5分钟的休息时间,每次练习只被允许最多2次休息。休息只允许在华乐厅里(反正吹管能把水带进华乐厅里),最远只能去到楼下的厕所。

3) 每一位senior 在教程中一定要在,一个人在前面,其他人听。

4) 8.30 早上一定要到,无论是小的还是老的。调音以及粘笛膜。

5) make sure 9.00 早上小的已经准备好了。谱架,谱,地膜,音准等等。

6) 每一次练习都必须以基本功来开始。如:长音,吐音,五声音阶,七声音阶,双吐等等。基本功练好了才可以练歌。

7)  每一次练好了,如,完成一次的七声音阶,每一个在场的,无论是打拍子的,还是在听的,都得给评语以及点出他们的弱点,and 跟他们讲如何改变。

8) Form two 们,去年就失传了的簿子,请带回来。评语是你们去找senior或老师写的,不是 the other way around. 不要讲我们吃钱 -.-

Besides these new set of "not-so-new rules"... Here's a really new one that applies to EVERYBODY.

- Every absentees or late-comers or leaving early, MUST WRITE LETTER TO ANY OF THE ZUZHANGS. Absentees are responsible to inform their respective zuzhangs at least ONE DAY before the day to-be-absent, unless emergencies.

Anyways, this is this Friday's agenda:
- i want each and every junior de personal info :P (name, class, DOB, email, hp no, whether they have fb or not..haha :D)
- introduce yourselves!
- ask them to introduce themselves!
- interact AWHILE
- let them take D diao dizis from the di tong ( no dimo de)
- teach:
1) lip placement ( cross-shape placement method), try blow(open all holes first, dunid to cover any holes first) 
2) how to hold the dizi
4) if everyone can manage to produce sound, lian chang yin and emphasize on using dan tian li!
5) DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT, teach zhi fa yet :)

That'll be all for today :)

*Form twos, please be present for this Friday's meeting. We have sumthg important to tell you guys.


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- Windys!!~ : ) -

- Windys!!~ : ) -