Back From Kuan Cheng High School Concert :)

06 June 2010
okay 俊豪, its very not nice of u discriminate us lyk dat. xD Speed doesn't matter. Don't say we can't do it. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. Never say Never. The performance proved it all last night. Proved to us that we can do so much better than them. And we HAVE to. :)

Okay so this is what happened yesterday. During Saturday (yesterday) he zhou, HoongCheong LaoShi said some stuff about expression and guan zhong gong min. Coincidentially we experienced and solemnly understood wad he meant and the same day he said that. WEIRD.

See the thing is, KuanCheng's performance is a very valueable lesson for us all. It'd be good if more ppl went. Lyk the whole PMO. Especially us winds. Good thing most winds went :)

Me, Chuen Hong, Chin How, Eng Sim, Yi Yan and even Jie Chee, ;)


Number1 they have the "shen shou" !!

Number 2 their SuoNa ROCKS man!!!!! N no i dun just mean the Soloist. Yes the soloist was Awesome but their SuoNa Zhu was bloody out of this world as well. OMG they can hit the high notes so nicely! Although there was 1 tiny part whr they screwed up on 音准 but i swear its gonna take us a hell of a lifetym to reach whr they r now. But doesn't mean we cant. Just... we're gonna take a lifetym. i banyak 自卑 T.T and very motivated in a funny sort of way after i've seen their SuoNa. :)


Oh yeah. If any Kuan Cheng ppl ever came to our concert, us who went must be thanked. Part of it happening is our effort. 4 those who don't understand, the Kuan Cheng huayuetuan had a survey. The last part of the survey there, is : 其他意见: ______________________.

So, as 38 as we r always, we decided to 宣传 our concert on that "其它意见" part. xDD


Anyways i tried to upload the suona video, but sumhw its not cooperating wiv me. So i guess i'll upload it sum other tym? haha...


anyways.... this is 4rm Tan Jie :

- Tan Jie, Shan Fei and Wen Zhun are having a concert on the 25th July 2010. Venue is at Segi College. Tickets are at the price of RM15. All three are very pro dizi-shou. a Must-See! ;DD for ticket booking or further information please refer to me or just straight refer to Tan Jie ;) -

Windys Rueying signing off :) 06/06/2010 11.11 p.m.


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- Windys!!~ : ) -

- Windys!!~ : ) -